Wednesday 18 March 2015

My Lover

Have you ever been in love? So in love that the only one you could see is your beloved? The overwhelming feeling that nothing else but the union of your beloved and yourself matters? Have you ever groaned, waiting, hoping and watching for his arrival and dreamt of being in his perfect embrace from which nothing can ever tear you away. Have you ever felt that intimacy with Jesus? One thing becomes very clear in these times. Nothing else matters.

I am a mother and my children are in very different and challenging stages of their lives. My life is a cycle of meal plans and preparations, entertaining my toddler, interactions with my preteen, and tidying, feeding and social media for my social outlet. I have a husband who works very hard for the well being of our family and our time together is limited. This is the story for millions worldwide. In this wheel of life and the daily cycle of the mundane and tedious, I have found a great joy. My lover. My Lord, Jesus Christ.

He is always there. He promised me to be and I know His word is as tangible as gravity, another word that he keeps. Oh how I need Him and long to be in His arms however I seem to forget Him and what He means to me quite too often. You see, the tedious and the mundane of this world have a way of becoming obsessive and intrusive. The older I get I am convinced that the obsessive and intrusive have no place in perfection. My lover is perfection. He waits for me and then for a second I lift my head out of the muddle of my world and there I see Him. Perfect in Love, Merciful and forgiving. Never angry or condemning. Only welcoming and loving. My heart is lifted! It leaps for joy because once again I have found my place in existence. The place where I belong. In His arms. Oh how I love Him.

I will tell you about my lover. His love for me is unique and unlike the love He has for others simply because in the long list of flaws found in me, His love overcomes and makes me perfect as He is. Spotless! Radiant! Reflecting only His glory! On my own, I resemble a lump of coal buried so deep, irrelevant to all even to my self but then He searches me out, finds me and takes hold of me and as He embraces me I begin to resemble more and more that finished product that He has always predestined me to be. What I will be when He appears. His ways are above everything. His wisdom is endless and His love eternal. Joyously I am lost, hidden in Him.

There is no lack for those who love Him. He is patient. He is gentle, loving and kind. He entreats you to give Him your heart. He has already given all He is for you. Lift up your head because your salvation draws near. My lover, my Lord is mighty in battle and the battle is His!

As the curtain closes on this dark and temporary abode, my eyes will see His glory and I am convinced that I will forever be with the Lord, My Lover, My friend, my father and my everything. I am His and He is mine. Oh how great is His love, mercy and gentleness.

Have you ever been so in love? Do you have a lover like mine? He is perfect, beautiful, shining brighter then the sun. He is Jesus, The Christ. Jesus Lives!

For You my Love

Friday 16 May 2014

The New Adam

Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.” Ephesians 4:8
So imagine a world without salvation, without Jesus in which Mankind is enslaved to his flesh and every sinful desire of sin. Sin is, put simply, disobedience to God. Adam’s disobedience had plunged mankind into captivity to sin, death and destruction. Who was the master mind behind man's hopeless bondage to sin and death? Lucifer, the fallen one. With his army of rebellious fallen angels, they stood over man as masters of their desires, wills and actions.

Man had fallen far. Separated from a loving and generous God and unable to change his own destiny of destruction. Sin became an inherent part of every living man, woman and child resulting in a constant cycle of violence and bloodshed, greed, corruption and every evil thing under the sun. In these days, God regretted that He had made man. “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.” Genesis 6:5-6
God had created Man like He had created the moon, stars and solar systems as a creation on which to lavish His love and affections! He saw mans potential to do good and to do evil. God knew that if man, when his love was tested in the garden of Eden, chose to obey Him, man would have forever been worthy of God's love, his companionship and His wonderful riches; of which the Earth and all it's resources were only a little part of.

We know how the story went. Why, the fact that we are mortal and our flesh prone to time and corruption is evidence of Adam and Eve failing the test of Love that God had set for them. Years ago, The Lord revealed only a little of the heart break He felt when Man ate the fruit then ran away and hid from Him after their sin! The day before they had run to Him when He came to the Garden of Eden and they had all laughed at His jokes and been amazed by His works! They had jumped for Joy and gladness at His gifts and they had worshipped Him. Oh what a fall from Grace!

Continuing on, man had fallen and in doing so, surrendered to the devil and every form of evil and perversion he could throw at them! Belittled, distressed, rejected and lost man was now forever bound to death. Man was destined for annihilation. God had seen enough of the extent of the evil that Man’s fallen state produced into the world. God also saw another thing though. Faith! In 1Corinthians 13:4-8 is a famous passage defining Love. It is a favourite at weddings and at my own wedding was the scripture reading we chose to have. Love is defined perfectly in this passage and it basically is revealed that Love truly is the power above all others. In John, God is simply defined as Love. 1John 4:8. For a moment, consider the meaning. How about this little exercise. In place of the word Love in 1Corinthians 13:4-8 put God. This is what it would look like.

God is patient, God is kind. God does not envy, God does not boast, God is not proud. God is not rude, God is not self- seeking, God is not easily angered, God keeps no record of wrongs. God does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. God always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. God never fails..."

This is God's character. Whatever society or religion tells you to the contrary, ignore and find out for yourself!

 Well, God being all these things and much more, He saw the glimmer of something good in a few men and women. God saw faith. How else can we explain Abel, Seth, Enoch and Noah calling on God and hearing from Him? Sin had separated God and man but that glimmer of Faith which led some to hope in forgiveness and redemption is what God saw and it caused God to move mightily on the behalf of all those who would have faith and hope in Him! It has been written, “The just shall live by Faith”! Romans 1:17

God chose the only family left on the Earth in the days of Noah who carried this hope of salvation in their hearts and instructs Noah to build the Ark and saved him and His family from destruction. As The Lord did with Noah, if you choose to believe, that seed of Faith in you is all He needs to move mountains on your behalf. The Lord will cleanse all who come to Him in faith from sin and every other bondage and hindrance the previous master of the flesh, the enemy of our souls, is trying very hard to hold on to.

If you understand and believe these words, then rejoice because Jesus has called you and because He has already won! Jesus says in John 16:33 "....but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” It is only now left for you to accept this extravagant gift of God’s grace. All you need to do is simply accept that God loves you and sent His Son, Jesus to die in your place to pay for YOUR blood that was due. This is the only redemption available to the children of men. Reject it at your own peril. There is no middle ground or empty space where unbelievers go. No! You know who was in charge before Jesus died. There is only one way! Jesus is the way the truth and the life!

Jesus, after dying for the sins of the world and after His triumphant victory over death; led captivity (death, hell, the devil and his followers) captive and give gifts to men! Ponder this for a second. Father, in Jesus name, let the reader understand! Amen. The old masters and foes of mankind were made captive by The blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords, that was spilled on this Earth for the Earth itself and all her inhabitants that ever will be! Jesus won that day and bought us back from death, corruption, sin and decay! He released us from the power of the enemy and his demons and put them on display before His Father and the Holy, mighty angels who obey him! He triumphed and returned home to even more glory, honour and power! My friends, sisters and brothers, these things are true! Pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you the truth!

What is the good news then? 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” I am brand new baby! Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” I am no longer a prisoner! 1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” I will live forever in glory! 1 John 4:4 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” I've got backup! I’ve got help! I’m fully insured!

These promises are for all who believe in Jesus and who are still coming. It will be you too today! Do not harden your heart! Do not allow the fear of what others might say or call you to stop you from accepting the gracious gift of Jesus’ blood. Who knows, you could be the example they need! Do not let the present sin in which you feel bound, scare you from asking Jesus in! He died for you when you were bound to hell! Why would He reject you now? Why would He not help you when you come to Him with all your heart? He loves you and the power of Love, God’s Love, is the greatest power in the universe! It is God Himself!

If this message has touched your heart and if you feel this hope is in you, please say the upcoming prayer! There are really no strings attached! This is the whole point! Jesus did not come to enslave you again but to release you from bondage so you can once again walk in the garden He chooses to plant you in. Share his company and laugh at His jokes! Be amazed at His works and worship Him! Have an incorruptible perfect eternal existence in His Kingdom! Become righteously employed with His business! If this is what you desire even if just a little right now, repeat this prayer below aloud:

My Father in heaven, In Jesus name I come as I am. Please forgive me for my sins. I accept your Son Jesus into my heart! I accept His blood sacrifice that has been paid for my freedom and salvation. I believe Jesus came, died and rose again and now sits at your right hand! I reject the devil, disobedience against you and all evil in Jesus name. Thank you Father for sending your son Jesus to set me free from the bondage of sin, death and corruption. Father in Heaven, I accept all that you have done for me through your Son Jesus! Thank you Father that you hear me now and rejoice with the mighty angels that I, who was lost am now found in your Son, Jesus! Thank you that I will live forever in your Kingdom. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
 Hoooooray! Yippee!!! Congratulations to you my brother and sister in Christ! The whole heaven rejoices now at your decision to return to the Lord! Let me speak freely. Let me speak as a child of God. You are now free! You have such a vast and mighty family some who watch you and us all from above but many, many more here now! Have Faith! You are no longer alone! You have been justified and redeemed from darkness! At this moment, there is no spot in you and if you are living with any consequences of sin physically, then spiritually, it does not matter anymore because you have been declared righteous. In God’s time, He will release you from that consequences of sin. 

READ THE BIBLE because in it, God instructs you how you must proceed now. It is your armour and weapon! Use it in prayer and against anything the Lord shows you is evil. Use it to properly understand your inheritance in Christ and claim it! Understand that the Bible is a Spiritual book inspired by God’s own Spirit. It’s very existence is proof of that. ALWAYS pray in Jesus name before reading and ask Jesus to teach you what it means.

You now have a companion. He will never leave you and He will teach you the truth. He is the Holy Spirit of the living God. When you do wrong now, it will no longer feel right. It’s Him showing you the path God has for you now. Trust and obey. It’s the greatest adventure you will ever have on this Earth! Greater things await you now!

Only if you want to, please tell me your story! I would love to hear, share and be encouraged with the rest of your brothers and sisters in Christ who need encouraging in these dark days! Please ask me any question! I would be delighted to answer them as The Lord reveals! Stand firm until the end and you will receive all that has been promised to you in Christ Jesus. Even eternal life!

Now, as you are now God's beloved child, He has instructed me to bless you with these words from the book of Numbers 6:24-26:

"The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you Peace"! Amen!

Come Lord Jesus!


Wednesday 7 May 2014

Alabaster Flask

I recently read from the passage in Luke 7:36-50 where the woman who was a “sinner” washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. She then anointed His feet with expensive perfume. For the first time in the many times I have read or heard the passage, The Lord helped me to connect with this story and I am astounded and excited!

See firstly, Jesus had been invited by a Pharisee to eat at his house. According to Jewish custom and religion, a guest is offered water to clean his hands and feet when he enters his house. This custom back then was very necessary as roads were unpaved, dusty, muddy and probably strewn with cattle refuse.

Showing his total lack of respect and blatant disregard for Jesus, this pharisee who had invited Jesus did not offer him any water to wash His hands or feet, nor showed him any sort of honour. Simon, the Pharisee who had invited Jesus to eat with him at his house was probably seeking to trap Jesus into saying something that He could be accused of as was what most Pharisees of the day were trying to do. Simon may have just wanted “the dirt” on Jesus, so to speak to further his own unbelief that Jesus was not the Messiah. Whatever Simon’s reasons were for inviting Jesus, it seems as if it was not from a place of love and faith in Jesus. We see that in the preceding verses to this story, Jesus was talking about how He had been accused of being a “glutton” and “friend to sinners”!

It was in this setting that Jesus was honoured not only by His own constant Love, Grace, Hope and dignity, but also by a woman who was known to the pharisee and those in “good” Jewish society as a sinner! Unashamed and unafraid, she boldly entered the house of the pharisee! Today, I want to tell her story because her story is probably the story for many! In this particular gospel version of the story, Luke does not speak her name. For the purpose of this story, we will call her “Sheila”. Even though I have taken some poetic licence with this story, I believe I am capturing the essence of the story and a very important message of God’s abounding LOVE and GRACE!


A Day To Remember

Simon the Pharisee had a large imposing home. It had been built by the best builders that Israel had and demonstrated the importance of Simon’s office as a Pharisee and his piousness. Simon’s home had been built to be displayed. It stood high and tall next to the major road entering the city and everyone coming or going out of this city could hardly avoid seeing it in all it’s glory! When Sheila had to take this road, she was used to hearing the occupants of this household scoff and jeer at her, reminding her of her mistakes and her sins. To Sheila, Simon’s imposing home was an unwelcoming sight and the attitude of its occupants served as a constant reminder of her shame. “I would never be welcomed at Simon’s house”, Sheila had thought from time to time. “I will never be worthy”. “My sins are too many”!

Sheila had tried to repent and had mended her ways however she was always reminded by others of the mistakes of her past and had been ostracised by past friends and even family. Nowadays, Sheila avoided everyone and went further and further to find work but the loneliness and the pain seemed to have her captive. She longed for a gentle word. A kind gesture. Sheila needed a friend.

One late afternoon as Sheila returned from a day’s hire from a farm outside the city, she noticed a crowd of people gathered outside Simon’s house and there seemed to be a lot of activity going on inside! “What’s going on?” she thought! Weaving a little closer through the crowd, encountering harsh stares and turned faces as she was shunned again and again, the words she heard spoken over and over was, “Jesus of Nazareth is here"! "Jesus of Nazareth is here”! Could it be!? The one she had heard about who was full of love, grace and forgiveness was here in the Pharisee’s house!? Suddenly, the crowd did not seem so harsh and the pharisee’s home did not seem so unfriendly. Sheila felt something warm rise up in her stomach that she could hardly recognise. Hope!

Turning around, Sheila ran the last mile to the humble shelter that was now her home! She burst through the door and darted towards the corner of the room! She flung aside the old mat which she slept on and dug frantically in the dirt with her hands. The dirt was dry and harsh on Sheila's hands but she hardly noticed. The tip of her fingers touched the top of a wooden cork. Digging gently around it, she slowly unearthed her treasure! The alabaster flask was filled with expensive perfume.

Sheila had saved it from the proceeds of a previous life. This was the only thing of value she possessed and reminded her that at some point in her life, she was sought after and valuable! It was all she had! Sheila planned to one day sell it when she could no longer get odd jobs out of the city and was too old to work anymore. She could not get any work in this city. No one would hire her. Heaving, she pulled the alabaster jar out of the dirt and dusted it with the long cloth around her neck. Lifting the cloth that lay on the mat, she covered her head and wrapped the flask with it's edge while hurrying out the door.

As she reached to quickly shut the door after her, Sheila caught a glimpse of her dusty, cut hands. She hurriedly went back into her room and put the flask down on her overturned mat! Going to the corner where she kept a large clay bowl and water jug filled with water, she poured the water from the vase into the clay bowl. Sheila did her best to wash off the dust from her hands. Grabbing the cloth from around her neck, Sheila hurriedly dried her hands then used the cloth to wipe off any remaining dust from the Alabaster flask. Pulling her long, thick black and grey hair back into a bun, she covered her head again with the cloth she had previously
draped on her head. She picked up the alabaster flask and wrapped it again with one end of the cloth draped over her head and shoulders.

As she hurried back to Simon’s house, her head was full of questions! “Will I be able to see Jesus”? “Will He speak to me”? “Will I be allowed into the home”? “What will I say”? “What will He say”? Sheila mulled these thoughts over but decided that the only way to know the answers to her questions was to find out for herself. If Jesus was even a little like what she had heard, she needed Him! If she had to stop hiding for a little while to find out, Sheila determined she would do it! Her mind decided, Sheila’s pace hurried towards Jesus.

Arriving back at the pharisee’s house, there seemed to be an even bigger crowd. A disaster ward seemed to be forming on the path around the house as people had begun bringing their sick, demon possessed and lame relatives and friends so that Jesus could heal them. She continued moving and weaving through the crowd, ever moving closer. As she neared the house she saw two of the pharisee’s male servants standing at the entrance and conversing while watching the crowd outside the house, rods in hand. Her steps slowed but she continued moving forward.

 One of the men looked at her closely and his eye caught the corner of the alabaster flask sticking out from under the cloth's edge draped over her head. He was sure he had seen her before and she did not have a good reputation however, so were many who followed this Jesus of Nazareth! "She must be one of His disciples too", he muttered to the other man who was now watching her as well. Grunting, both men turned their attention back to the crowds and their conversation. Sheila was finally standing at the main door of Simon’s home which stood ajar. Slightly encouraged, she took a deep breath then slowly stepped into the house.

The air was stifling as she stepped through the front door into a long corridor with doors on either side. Heat, sweat and noise coupled with anxiety filled the air but there was something else too. Something very peaceful and very loving. It seemed to wrap itself around her and when she encountered the first harsh stare of a servant girl bringing a platter laden with food from the kitchen, she slowed down again but did not stop moving. The servant girl briskly brushed pass her, down the long corridor and disappeared into a room where a lot of noise seemed to be coming from. Light streamed through the doors into the corridor.

Slowly Sheila reached the large doorway of the brightly lit room. Peeping into the room, she saw a large group of men who were sitting in a circle on large, colourful rugs between many soft cushions. Most of these men looked very wealthy and fat. They talked loudly and some were helping themselves from the platter that had just been brought in. She had seen men like this before. She knew many of the men here and they knew her; but they would never admit it. Looking around quickly she searched the room. There were some other men in the room that she had not seen before. They seemed very simply dressed and quieter than the rest. Among them she noticed a man as she had never seen before. He had no distinguishing features and his clothes were simple and very worn yet it seemed as though all the peace and grace in the world was His own….

His eyes lifted and fixed on hers. She stood transfixed to the spot! A range of emotions swept over her. He was the source of the Love and peace she had sensed earlier but now as His eyes met hers she felt like a blanket of love was engulfing her and like nothing else mattered. There was something else in his eyes. Sorrow…..  Sheila felt a deep sorrow rising up from within her as His eyes pierced into her soul. Then and there Sheila knew she was so sorry for all the wrong she had done. She saw vividly the wrong that had been done against her since before she could speak. For the first time, she knew someone else knew and felt her pain too. All these years she had buried her hurtful memories deep inside her so she could face the world but now, they seemed to be pouring out to a perfect stranger who perfectly knew everything about her. Without a word, her painful life seemed to pour out of her’ while being wrapped in a blanket of unconditional love.

Without any thought she moved out of hiding and stepped into the light. The room fell silent. Every eye now seemed fixed on her. “Any minute now the pharisee’s servants would drive me out”, Sheila thought. She kept moving forward, heading for the Man she knew must be Jesus. He smiled at her. She knew without a doubt that He was welcoming her. Trembling now she approached Him. The eyes in the room were now watching them both, waiting, looking for a reason to accuse, judge and condemn them both.

Sheila knew that this Man they called Jesus was more than they said He was. As if awakening from a stupor she threw herself onto His feet! He said and did nothing but instead she felt His love for her as she had never felt love before. She did not even know that love like this existed! Jesus’ love for her felt kinder than the love of her long dead mother. Stronger than how she had hoped her Father had loved her. More touching than the love of her only brother who had not survived a childhood disease. More beautiful then the love of the baby, now a grown woman who despised and shunned her. She sobbed uncontrollably.

The room began to come alive again. Oblivious to it all, Sheila’s many tears washed over Jesus feet. Still sobbing she started drying away her tears from Jesus feet with her hair that had now come loose and was spilling around her face. She had to have more of Him. His love seemed to compel her to stay. There seemed to be no hurry. Hardly aware of anyone or anything else, Sheila continued drying Jesus feet with her hair as tears continued to fall. She kissed his feet in between her sobs. It felt so natural….. A tender memory of her kissing two tiny baby feet gently came to her. A fresh burst of tears sprang from her eyes as she felt the pain of her daughter’s rejection leave her. She felt her mother’s arms around her, comforting her. She heard her brother’s playful laugh as he tugged on her hair. Beautiful memories of her life’s small joys and blessing surrounded her. Yes she had been loved and here now she knew complete love.

As a peace that Sheila had never felt before enveloped her she remembered why she had come. Sheila had long heard of Jesus of Nazareth and was not sure she would ever meet Him. Now that He had come to the city in which she lived, she wanted to offer Him a gift. She had heard how much love and care He showed to the simple, poor, sick and outcast among her people. Hoping that He’d show her some attention too, she had brought Him the most valuable thing she possessed. An alabaster flask full of expensive perfume as a present. Something to get her ring side seats to the action. She had not expected to encounter God in the simplest form and be so profoundly moved. There was nothing here for her to see except herself. She was looking into a mirror and seeing the depths of her soul and all the darkness there; yet being loved and healed.

Her plan did not matter now so when she remembered the flask she lifted her head and looked around her. She had not remembered it once she had caught sight of Jesus so she was surprised to see it lay just on her left with half the cloth still around her neck covering it. Reaching for the flask she lifted it and found it was still intact. “That in itself is a miracle but what now”? Sheila thought. This gift seemed no longer relevant or appropriate. Without any further hesitation, Sheila removed the wooden cork from the flask and lifted the flask off the ground while reciting a simple prayer over it.

The aroma filled the room and the attention was on Jesus and Sheila all over again. Voices that had been mocking, gossiping, plotting, judging went silent as she slowly poured the entire contents of the flask unto Jesus feet. Sheila gently mopped up the extra oil on Jesus feet with her hair as she smiled through her puffy red eyes. She felt so liberated. It was as if every hurt Sheila had ever felt had been healed. Every weight of sin, guilt and shame had been lifted and every wrong she had ever done had been forgiven. Sheila felt her fear for the future vanish. She had just poured out her most valuable possession, her retirement plan, onto Jesus’ feet yet no longer felt afraid for her future. He had taken away everything that had bound her to her painful past. Sheila was reborn!

Jesus was speaking, but not to her…. Sheila continued mopping His feet with her hair. Finally He turned to her. Kneeling, with Jesus’ feet still in her hands, her eyes fastened on His, she heard Him say, “Your sins are forgiven”! When these words were spoken, Sheila was almost bowled over with a sudden overwhelming sensation of unimaginable joy! People were murmuring but Jesus ignored them and continued talking to her. Smiling he added, “your Faith has saved you". "Go in peace”! Sheila beamed at Jesus, then rising slowly, bowed to Jesus one last time leaving as swiftly as she had come in. All eyes were on her but this time, it was because she was radiant!

Ok, so I took poetic license. Sue me! The fact is that the Bible is the word of God. Thank God that I am not too wise or educated to dispute, reject or condemn it. I choose to simply accept it! It is a matter of Faith. Thank God! Meditating on the scriptures produces and increases faith and so does praying, regularly meeting with other followers of Christ, remembering what Christ has done for you and hearing the testimony of others.

After praying and reading my Bible, this story became real. The text became a REAL woman before a REAL God who REALLY loved and forgave. The Lord loves everyone and forgives all who would come to Him in Faith.  "….For he who comes to God must believe that HE IS, and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". Hebrews 11:6.

Even though I took poetic license with this story, ask yourself this. Can you relate to the humanity of this story? Well, if you’re not from any of the other planets in our solar system, (Yes, including Pluto) or another galaxy, then I believe that this story would connect on some level with you, if only to empathise with Sheila and the millions like her. What if a woman, a mother, friend, sister, daughter brings the best of everything she has to Jesus as an offering and then upon being in His presence finds her offering, the best she has to offer, immaterial, irrelevant and lacking?

What if in this time and place this woman realises His great love for her and becomes aware that there is nothing else she can ever offer Him except for her soul? After all, Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. If you were the only person in it, Jesus would die to save you and not for a flask of oil or for all the gold and riches that the world could offer? Only for you.

What if it was this realisation for Sheila that made her fall to her knees and worship Jesus in this manner, pouring out her most valuable possession, the best the world had ever produced for her, unto His feet? I believe that with this new great realisation of Jesus’ great and all encompassing love, for the first time this daughter of Abraham loved fully and was forgiven from her many sins....

All I know is she left this place cleaner then the Pharisees! She had been saved by her faith and redeemed by His great love!!!


Tuesday 17 December 2013

How Much Does Jesus Loves You?

As a Christian you have probably heard of God’s great love for you. There are songs, Bible verses, books and sermons on the topic. Tonight I want to express my view on why we can believe this to be true.

You may be saying, “you don’t know me or what I have done. Jesus can’t love me”. The truth is He does and it is quite simple and really matter- of - fact! When God looks at us, He does not see us, our sins and short comings or past but He sees His son and His blood. If you are a Christian, He does not love you based on the amount of work you have done for Him or your achievements. Before Jesus even began His ministry God affirmed His love for His son publicly, calling Jesus “His beloved son in whom he was well pleased”. Luke 3:22.

This same son, Jesus, after doing all He was commanded to do by His father on our behalf was rejected by Man and died a sinners death by which He put to death our sins and imperfections. He was the guilt sacrifice by which we who believe in Him are cleansed, righteous and adopted into a royal household of the kingdom of heaven. 1Pe 2:9. Now the favour of the Father rests on us as it does on His son, not because of our works but because by the Grace of God, we exchanged places with His perfect son, Jesus!

Now that we have been clothed with the righteousness that comes from faith in the Son of God and His once for all sacrifice for us, how can we then doubt God’s love and forgiveness for us? Remember the woman who had been caught in adultery and how Jesus saved her from the law’s judgement which was death by stoning, simply by telling her accusers that the one without sin should cast the first stone. John 8:1-11. As none of them were without sin, they all threw down their stones and left her there at Jesus’ feet. Jesus then asked her where her accusers had gone, implying that even though He was the only one without sin, He did not condemn her. Jesus went on to clarify it and say, “neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more”!

She had not even asked for forgiveness but at her lowest point, seeing into her heart and situation, Jesus forgive her and saved her from the harsh judgement of death by the law. This woman at this point was clearly not a follower of Christ but a Jew bound by the Law of Moses yet she was saved by Grace at Jesus feet. How much more grace, forgiveness and love is there for me, us, we who have received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and His sacrifice on the cross?

God is love and God is also everlasting therefore His love is everlasting. Pride sometimes comes in and makes us believe so much in our own efforts as Christians that we forget that our righteousness has nothing to do with our efforts but rather with God’s grace. “For by Grace are ye saved through Faith and that not of yourself. It is the gift (grace) of God, not of works, lest any man should boast”! Eph 2:8-9. Also, “….while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”! Rom 5:8. It pleased God to save us, love us and adopt us at the price of Christ's’ love! How is it then that we can be convinced that we can lose this love, earn this love or ignore it?

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock....." Rev 3:20!  

Let Jesus in today!


Monday 9 December 2013

Perfect Apostles? Hardly Not!

Reading the Bible earlier this year, I became overwhelmingly aware of how common and even worldly Jesus 12 apostles were. They lacked faith, they were sometimes fearful, they argued among themselves on matters of status, needed confirmation of Jesus love and appreciation for them and very often did not understand what Jesus was saying to them in plain Aramaic. There was even a traitor among them! For all we know, they may have all worried about money, clothing, weight and we definitely know lack of food was sometimes an issue.

Two things are apparent though. 1. Jesus' love and patience for them and 2. The empowering transformation of the disciples when the Holy Spirit entered their lives!

Today I want to encourage all who read this message by these truths:

1. God fiercely loves you! That makes all the difference and is why salvation is even possible! In God's everlasting love, His grace is sufficient for you, His tender mercies never end and His sacrifice on your behalf has purchased you at a very, very high price. You are God's beloved and nothing will separate you from His Love!

2. Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ...." Philippians 1:6. Yes, God is faithful and will never leave you, forsake you or get tired of setting your foot on the path that leads you to Him!

These common men, in God's time, in accordance with God's will empowered by the Holy Spirit became the rocks and foundations of the true Church of Christ! They stand immortalized pillars forever in the heavenly courts of our Father God! It is unbelievable except that by faith, all things are possible.....

Do you have any worldly concerns, fears and hang ups? Are you less than a perfect Christian! Have you been fully transformed yet into Christ's very image and are the exact representation of Christ's love, beauty and grace? No? Not yet? No worries! Fear not! The work has been done on your behalf!

"I am able", says The I AM.



Friday 6 December 2013

Psalm 23

1. The Lord is my shepherd....
The Lord looks after me. He is my carer. He is more than able to take care of me and He is 100% faithful, 100% Good and a 100% Love. He is The Good Shepherd.


I shall not want. 
How can I be in lack when The Lord Himself is my carer, my shepherd? I will want no good thing!

2. He makes me to lie down…
In the knowledge of His love for me, He causes me to surrender to Him….  I am sold out and all in. He calls me to cast all of my cares, all of my fears, all of my worries and all of my burdens upon Him. He causes me to trust in Him and His Love for me.

In green pastures. 

He establishes me in the right place. A place that has bountiful provision, primarily spiritually.


He leads me…
He purposely and intentionally directs me.

beside the still waters
The Lord Purposely and intentionally leads me away from trouble. Away from a violent, tumultuous, or overwhelming flow and other dangers! He leads me to His Peace!!!

3. He restores my soul;
He redeems my soul and saves me from damnation. He heals my body. He heals my mind. He heals my emotions! He heals my soul! He mends my broken heart and sets me free to be who He intended me to be. He saves me from corruption and leads me to know and do His will.

He leads me in the paths of Righteousness. 

The Lord purposely directs my feet by His word and His Holy Spirit. "His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path". Psalm 119:105 

His word leads me where He wills and desires me to go. Into the purpose He has for me. The Lord who has begun a good work in me, will complete it. He is ABLE!

for His name sake! 

Why? Because I belong to The Lord. I am adopted into a Royal Priesthood and a Holy family. Because I am now a member of His household and am His child and a citizen of heaven! Because I am His witness and His own!!! 1Peter 2:9-10.

4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…. 

The Lord has not led me here. Pay attention to the “I”! “I” am here due to the sins of the past and the consequences of sin. I am here because of my mistakes, disobedience and rebellion. Yet, this place is only the “valley of the shadow of death” and not “Death” itself. 

“The valley of the shadow of death” is sometimes a "spiritual desert" where I am molded and shaped by the Lord if I submit and choose to stop going my own way. This can be the turning point towards victory and overcoming!

I will fear no evil for you are with me.
The Lord will never leave me or forsake me! He is with me even unto the end of the age! Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5. There is still hope in this place because He walks with me! When the waters threaten to cover me or when I walk through fire I will not be destroyed. Isaiah 43: 2. The Lord is with me and an ever present help in my time of need! Psalms 46:1. Because He is at my right hand I will not be shaken! I will not fear!

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Like the prodigal son, the Lord still watches for us and loves us regardless of our imperfections and sins, however because we are the Lord’s, He will rebuke and chastise us if we need it. If we were not rebuked or chastised we will be lost because there will be no one to correct our paths. Revelation 3:19. 

Even in the Valley of the shadow of death however, I know you are with me because your word says so… I hear your Holy Spirit direct me to seek your face and repent! You reveal your word to me and your Holy Spirit teaches and comforts me! You hold me and you will never let me go because of your great love and faithfulness! Lamentations 3:22, 23.  

I am comforted because I know you are chastising me as you do your legitimate children who you love. Revelation 3:19. You are using this time in the “shadow of death” for my own good because YOU LOVE ME!

5. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
The Lord openly and generously blesses me with physical and spiritual blessings and gifts. He does not withhold good from me even though I have just passed through the “Valley of the shadow of Death”. The time spent "in the valley of the shadow of death" with the Lord has enabled me to recognise and receive the Lord's blessings. With a Father’s love, The Lord provides all of my needs.

You anoint me with oil 

The Lord prepares me for the gifts He gives me and prepares me to do his good work! He enables me to receive the blessings He has bestowed upon my life and creates in me the heart and mind to do His will with the time and resources He has provided.

My cup runs over! 

God gives me more than enough and I have enough to share with others. I am a cheerful and generous giver. I can be because I rely on His never ending supply.

6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life! 

For as long as I live on this earth, God’s goodness and mercy will chase me down and catch me over and over! It will not fail me! I will share God’s goodness and mercy with others!

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever!

As a result of God’s constant goodness and mercy following and chasing me down all my life, I will be transformed and transported from sin to righteousness. From death to live. From bankrupt emotionally and spiritually into a blessing to others! He will enable me to show forth His goodness and mercy to others. 

Being thus transformed, when my time on this Earth is at an end, I will go to Heaven and be with the Lord for all eternity!!!


Let it be so!

