Tuesday 17 December 2013

How Much Does Jesus Loves You?

As a Christian you have probably heard of God’s great love for you. There are songs, Bible verses, books and sermons on the topic. Tonight I want to express my view on why we can believe this to be true.

You may be saying, “you don’t know me or what I have done. Jesus can’t love me”. The truth is He does and it is quite simple and really matter- of - fact! When God looks at us, He does not see us, our sins and short comings or past but He sees His son and His blood. If you are a Christian, He does not love you based on the amount of work you have done for Him or your achievements. Before Jesus even began His ministry God affirmed His love for His son publicly, calling Jesus “His beloved son in whom he was well pleased”. Luke 3:22.

This same son, Jesus, after doing all He was commanded to do by His father on our behalf was rejected by Man and died a sinners death by which He put to death our sins and imperfections. He was the guilt sacrifice by which we who believe in Him are cleansed, righteous and adopted into a royal household of the kingdom of heaven. 1Pe 2:9. Now the favour of the Father rests on us as it does on His son, not because of our works but because by the Grace of God, we exchanged places with His perfect son, Jesus!

Now that we have been clothed with the righteousness that comes from faith in the Son of God and His once for all sacrifice for us, how can we then doubt God’s love and forgiveness for us? Remember the woman who had been caught in adultery and how Jesus saved her from the law’s judgement which was death by stoning, simply by telling her accusers that the one without sin should cast the first stone. John 8:1-11. As none of them were without sin, they all threw down their stones and left her there at Jesus’ feet. Jesus then asked her where her accusers had gone, implying that even though He was the only one without sin, He did not condemn her. Jesus went on to clarify it and say, “neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more”!

She had not even asked for forgiveness but at her lowest point, seeing into her heart and situation, Jesus forgive her and saved her from the harsh judgement of death by the law. This woman at this point was clearly not a follower of Christ but a Jew bound by the Law of Moses yet she was saved by Grace at Jesus feet. How much more grace, forgiveness and love is there for me, us, we who have received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and His sacrifice on the cross?

God is love and God is also everlasting therefore His love is everlasting. Pride sometimes comes in and makes us believe so much in our own efforts as Christians that we forget that our righteousness has nothing to do with our efforts but rather with God’s grace. “For by Grace are ye saved through Faith and that not of yourself. It is the gift (grace) of God, not of works, lest any man should boast”! Eph 2:8-9. Also, “….while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”! Rom 5:8. It pleased God to save us, love us and adopt us at the price of Christ's’ love! How is it then that we can be convinced that we can lose this love, earn this love or ignore it?

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock....." Rev 3:20!  

Let Jesus in today!


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