Monday 9 December 2013

Perfect Apostles? Hardly Not!

Reading the Bible earlier this year, I became overwhelmingly aware of how common and even worldly Jesus 12 apostles were. They lacked faith, they were sometimes fearful, they argued among themselves on matters of status, needed confirmation of Jesus love and appreciation for them and very often did not understand what Jesus was saying to them in plain Aramaic. There was even a traitor among them! For all we know, they may have all worried about money, clothing, weight and we definitely know lack of food was sometimes an issue.

Two things are apparent though. 1. Jesus' love and patience for them and 2. The empowering transformation of the disciples when the Holy Spirit entered their lives!

Today I want to encourage all who read this message by these truths:

1. God fiercely loves you! That makes all the difference and is why salvation is even possible! In God's everlasting love, His grace is sufficient for you, His tender mercies never end and His sacrifice on your behalf has purchased you at a very, very high price. You are God's beloved and nothing will separate you from His Love!

2. Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ...." Philippians 1:6. Yes, God is faithful and will never leave you, forsake you or get tired of setting your foot on the path that leads you to Him!

These common men, in God's time, in accordance with God's will empowered by the Holy Spirit became the rocks and foundations of the true Church of Christ! They stand immortalized pillars forever in the heavenly courts of our Father God! It is unbelievable except that by faith, all things are possible.....

Do you have any worldly concerns, fears and hang ups? Are you less than a perfect Christian! Have you been fully transformed yet into Christ's very image and are the exact representation of Christ's love, beauty and grace? No? Not yet? No worries! Fear not! The work has been done on your behalf!

"I am able", says The I AM.



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